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FREE BOOK Reveals: My "10 Steps To Finding True Joy"
"The perfect read for my flight! at a time where I really needed to just quiet the mind & let my heart speak. Finding FIJI is filled with inspiration. I read Chapter 7 twice! Trusting The Journey...loved it!"- Ms Von
The Joy of Simplicity:
Learn how simplifying your life can amplify your joy. This isn't just about decluttering your space – it's about decluttering your mind and spirit.
Insight as a Superpower:
Unlock the power of insight to navigate life's complexities. Discover how understanding deeper aspects of your experiences can lead to profound joy and contentment.
The Transformational Power of Gratitude:
Explore how practicing gratitude can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones and lead to lasting fulfillment.
Let "FINDING FIJI" Become Your Compass To Guide You Down A Path Of Abundant JOY...
""Finding FIJI: 10 Steps to Finding True Joy" by Chris Lowe is not just a book; it's a transformative journey. My life has been profoundly touched by this author and amazing person through the principles she pursues and lives by. This book, using the F.I.J.I. acronym (Fun, Inspiration, Joy, and Insight), is not just a read; it's a journey that guides you towards a life brimming with joy and purpose.
Chris Lowe's personal story, particularly her resilience and strength after the loss of her beloved son, touched my heart deeply. It's rare to find someone, especially an author who not only shares wisdom but also offers companionship through life's toughest challenges. Her life and practical steps, combined with personal anecdotes, have empowered me to embrace life with a renewed sense of curiosity and gratitude while trying to live in the moment on a daily basis.
Each chapter in "Finding FIJI" is a step closer to understanding and cultivating joy in its purest form. The book is a roadmap to a vibrant life, filled with profound insights and actionable advice. It's an easy yet impactful read, leaving a lasting impression on how to live a joy-filled life through and past the difficult and painful situations that life often throws at us..
In essence, "Finding FIJI" by Chris Lowe is more than a book; it's a gift to anyone seeking a life of true joy and fulfillment. It's a journey with her that I am grateful to have embarked upon, and I can't recommend it highly enough. Thank you, Chris Lowe, for this beautiful voyage we are on together and its never ending pursuit to finding joy in our lives together.."
Bobby Brown
"I read your book on the way home on the plane. It was truly amazing. I hope our paths will cross again someday"
Laurie Legein
"Loved this book and the positivity It radiates. As a mother I cannot imagine the loss that Ms Lowe experienced and yet she found her voice. On a train in CT and will pay this book forward!"
Sue Rugala
"Great read, full of actionable insights to make your life more joyful. This came at a perfect time in my life and I could not recommend it more!"
Dakota Rae Lowe
Meet Chris Lowe, she is a mother, entrepreneur and a lifelong seeker of adventure and joy. At 56, with 2 amazing daughter's, a son in Heaven a cherished grandson, and dedicated partner. Chris has embarked on a journey to unveil the essence of lasting joy, in her book "Finding FIJI" a process that has taken over a decade to publish and share with the world.
One we believe is well worth the wait...
If for any reason you are not satisfied with my book. Just send me an email and I will refund you the cost of the shipping and handling and you can keep the book... Sound fair??
Through personal reflections and antidote's, the author, who rediscovered herself after the devastating loss of her son, empowers you to find true joy once again. "Finding FIJI" is a roadmap to unlock abundant joy and live a life that resonates with vibrancy, purpose, and lasting fulfilment.
"Finding FIJI" is an easy read and will bring you to a state of euphoria so quickly, you'll wish you would've read it sooner.
"Finding Fiji: 10 Steps to Finding True Joy” by Chris Lowe is a heartfelt guidebook that navigates the reader through ten insightful steps towards discovering genuine happiness. Chris’s candid storytelling and practical advice make this book a compelling read for anyone seeking a path to fulfillment and joy in their lives.
"Clear The Mind And Let The Heart Speak"
Cultivate A Heart Of Gratitude...
Take a moment each day to reflect on the things You're grateful for. This helps shift your focus from restlessness to appreciation. Writing them down and looking back on them is a great reminder of where you have been and where you are going.
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